About Me
- Name: darlingnikki
- Location: Mesa, Arizona, United States
I am a single mother of 4 beautiful girls -- direct, sarcastic, my views mostly sway to the conservative side. I live in Mesa, Arizona. I am about brutal honesty.. not really concerned who "honesty" offends -- if you are offended by my views and thoughts then you need to take a look at yourself and see why.... I can only promise that as we may not see eye to eye, I guarentee you that I will not insult you by "sugar coating" or "P.C'ing" these views to convince of anything. These are my views, my rants, my voice -- blunt, honest, and direct.

Previous Posts
- Working Together To Protect Children...
- Another Hero...
- Matt Lauer Gets Surprise Answer
- Don't Mess With Texas
- Wow, I am getting old....
- Hillary, I Am Again Amazed With Your Insight....
- Watch Out Kindergarten -- Here They Come!
- Cindy, I Can Call You That Right?
- Looks Like No Peace Prize for Carter's Grandson...
YES!!! I have not laughed that hard in a while...thank you 8)
Glad you enjoyed -- credit where credit is due -- a big "thank you" to my buddy Kenny for the email -- :)
Jesus Christ - what the hell is that crap above my comment - I am trying to figure out code to stop anonymous comments. Anyway, hell-of-a-post! Laughed out loud. Pissed off co-workers. Then I told them to look at rule #1
I'm not sure what that shit was, but it is no longer -- checking out the link -- sorry been so long updating -- my twins had b-days! NOW I AM BROKE!!!! hahaha
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