Michael Jackson
I have not commented on this whole Michael Jackson trial thing going on -- I am rather annoyed that so many people are surprised that he might have actually touched children -- where have you been????
But I saw this question on
Sometimes Insightful Ramblings
The questions was:
Now, I as a parent would have a problem w/ any adult wanting to exclusively spend time w/ my child -- I would question anyone's motives as to why this desire would be present and would at NO time allow such adult access to my child, let alone have my trust. This is not even taking in to consideration the fact that this person would be MICHAEL JACKSON -- then my answer is a "HELL NO" -- now I have been harse in many post to parents for allowing such monster/ or introducing such vile people into their children’s life -- I have not tolerance for the single mother, who puts her need for companionship above the safety of her children -- The DSM clearly states what characteristic must be present for a pedophile to be diagnosed -- I will blog next on what it says quoted out of the DSM -- and why ignorance is no excuse when you introduce these monsters to your child...Now that the jury will be deliberating Michael Jackson's
fate, I want to ask one question. Even if he is found innocent, would you trust him with your child?
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